특정나이별 그룹 통계 0 2 1,416

by 밍밍밍밍 [MySQL] mysql8 [2022.07.06 09:47:25]


특정나이별 그룹 통계를 뽑으려고합니다.

1. 데이터 테이블입니다.

NO user_name birth sex
1 홍길동 440609 M
2 김철수 880305 M
3 김영수 401025 F


2. 열을 기준으로 나이별로 추출한 쿼리입니다.

		  COUNT(if(date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) < 60 , date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4), NULL )) as age_60,
		  COUNT(if(date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) >= 60 AND date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) <= 64, date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4), NULL )) as age_64,
		  COUNT(if(date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) >= 65 AND date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) <= 74, date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4), NULL )) as age_74,
		  COUNT(if(date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) >= 75 AND date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) <= 84, date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4), NULL )) as age_84,
		  COUNT(if(date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4) >=85 , date_format(now(),'%Y')-substring(concat('19',birth),1,4), NULL )) as age_85,
		  COUNT(if(sex = 'M', sex , NULL)) as male,
		  COUNT(if(sex = 'F', sex , NULL)) as female
		FROM tb_table


3. 열 기준(나이별)을 행 기준으로 바꾸고 싶은데 쿼리를 어떻게 수정하면되는지 답변좀 부탁드리겠습니다.

조회하고 싶은형태입니다.

나이 남자(명) 여자(명) 합계





by 마농 [2022.07.06 10:21:52]
WITH tb_table AS
SELECT 1 no, '홍길동' user_name, '440609' birth, 'M' sex
UNION ALL SELECT 2, '김철수', '880305', 'M'
UNION ALL SELECT 3, '김영수', '401025', 'F'
SELECT a.age_gb
     , COUNT(CASE b.sex WHEN 'M' THEN 1 END) male
     , COUNT(CASE b.sex WHEN 'F' THEN 1 END) female
     , COUNT(b.sex) tot
  FROM (SELECT 1 id, 0 s_age, 59 e_age, '60세미만' age_gb
        UNION ALL SELECT 2, 60,  64, '60~64세'
        UNION ALL SELECT 3, 65,  74, '65~74세'
        UNION ALL SELECT 4, 75,  84, '75~84세'
        UNION ALL SELECT 5, 85, 199, '85세이상'
        UNION ALL SELECT 9,  0, 199, '합계'
        ) a
       (SELECT sex
             , YEAR(NOW())
             - CONCAT( CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(birth, 1, 2) < '30'
                            THEN '20' ELSE '19' END
                     , SUBSTRING(birth, 1, 2)
                     ) + 1 age
          FROM tb_table
        ) b
    ON b.age BETWEEN a.s_age AND a.e_age
 GROUP BY a.id, a.age_gb
 ORDER BY a.id


by 밍밍밍밍 [2022.07.06 10:35:22]


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